
The TechRing Research Informs Men and Doctors about Their Sexual Health

The TechRing Research Informs Men and Doctors about Their Sexual Health

FirmTech is becoming the leader in objective research on sexual health for men. We are conducting research with several leading urologists and medical centers, including Dr. John Mulhall at Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Center in New York. This research encompasses analysis of performance enhancement effectiveness, preventive identification of ED before it becomes obvious, and data-driven interventions after men have the problem. 

All men are on the road from Fitness to Dysfunction. Without data, we don’t know how far down the road we have gone, nor can we “look under the hood”. The TechRing’s data about your erectile health can drop a pin on our personal map and check our engine and battery. Prior to the Erectile Fitness Score, the claims for the value of therapies were based on speculations, anecdotes and subjective scoring systems (SHIM, IIET). With good intentions, doctors treat us as “one size fits all”. But we know that is not true and that diagnoses and treatment impacts are variable and individual.

FirmTech is taking two tracks to improving the care of our sexual health. 

1) is giving you data that is objective, actionable and personal. 

2) is giving research physicians a revolutionary objective device to assess the diagnosis and management of ED.


With the TechRing, you can now be an N of One. In research, N means the number of subjects in a study. In general, the larger the N, the more valid the conclusions of the research. But we are all unique. With the TechRing you can find out which dose of ED pills, testosterone, supplements, diets, exercises work for you. Will you benefit from expensive shock wave therapy, P shots, Botox, red light, or stem cell injections? Many claims are made. What works for you?



Here’s a sample of the research that has been accepted for publication or is underway.

  • The Superiority of the FirmTech Erectile Fitness Score to the SHIM and IIET
  • The Use of the TechRing in the Management of Premature Ejaculation
  • The Comparative Superiority of the MaxPR to Tadalafil in Prolonging Erections
  • The Value of the TechRing Before and After Prostate Surgery
  • Can the TechRing Replace Office use of Doppler Ultrasound in the Management of ED?
  • The Use of the TechRing to validate Penis Pumping as a Tool to Improve ED
  • The TechRing Does Not Have Side Effects with Used Overnight
  • Does Botox Improve Blood Flow-Validation by TechRing
  • Do “Affirm” Supplements Increase Blood Flow in Nocturnal Erections
  • Superiority of the TechRing to Giddy Constriction Ring

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